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This week, Pastor Clark redesigned Zion's website--as you can see. Hopefully you find it more attractive and more useful. It's just one part of a major upgrade underway behind the scenes in Zion's office.

Zion is ditching its old, inscrutable database and accounting software. This is what we've used to keep membership records and track giving and finances. It's so not user-friendly that we've been paying hundreds of extra dollars a year for a tech support package to be able to do what should be simple tasks. Producing a membership directory was a foolishly time-consuming undertaking. We had member information in at least three places other than the old database software, which made somethings easier but keeping all the files up-to-date was a pain.

But now, the membership database is integrated with the email newsletter is integrated with the website. Everything is easier to use and accessible from the web. And there are many new features coming your way. This redesigned email newsletter and the upgraded website are just the beginning.

  • online photo directory (your photo and information is yours to update)
  • improved online giving platform (also integrated with all the things)
  • text messaging for forms, statements, and events
  • Zion church app

A better product that's easier for staff and leaders to use, with more features for you, and Zion will be saving money!

Don't worry. Zion will still print a paper membership directory. These new digital features are optional for you. Just know that behind the scenes, we will be breathing a sigh of relief. (We already are, even though we're still in the wilderness of learning the new.) Rolling out all of these things will take time. But already you can be part of the online photo directory "beta testers." And your feedback all along the way will be invaluable to making it work for all of us.

In the short term, take a close look at your giving statement for the first half of the year. This is coming very soon. It will be the last statement generated by the old accounting system. We don't want to bring old mistakes into the new system, so let the office know if there are any problems. When the next statement comes, don't be surprised by the change in formatting.

Breeze and Tithely are the services Zion is using. When you see them, you can trust its Zion.