But Give a Man a Cow…

But Give a Man a Cow…

On the way back to Kirangare from Idaru Preaching Point, we meet a man and his wife—Abel and Nasemba. They are "mchungi," that is, they care for animals. The animal they care for is a "mombe" or cow.

They received a cow from Zion through Heifer International. The cow produces milk, some Abel said he uses, some he sells. Because of the cow, he was able to put a correlated metal roof on his home and pay school fees for his daughter. The cow birthed calves. The first, he gave to the church to give to someone else. The second, he kept. The third, he soon will give to the church again. The rest are his to keep. The contract will be fulfilled.


At Kirangare Lutheran Church, there is a committee. People can apply to receive a calf. The committee determines whether they can properly care for the cow and whether they are in need. Recently, someone in Mpare, a nearby village, received a calf. Joseph and I will meet that cow and its new owner soon.

Abel and Nasemba told me to greet the people of Zion and give their thanks. I promised I would.When they entered the cow pen to let us take a photo, the cow became agitated. It ran in a circle and hid in a stall. They said, the cow thinks you are the veterinarian, come to give it shots!

How many years ago did Zion give cows? Twelve? Fifteen? This is a gift that keeps on giving.

I asked and Pastor Fue said he will send a message and a photo the next time the committee gives another calf to someone new. So when they give thanks to Zion, we can rejoice and give the thanks back to God.