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A note from Pastor Clark: Over a year ago, I invited ya'll's contributions to this space. Lynn was one who responded. Here's why it's taken so long to share it. First, I waited for others, to make a series of it. Then I forgot about it. Then I remembered it but by then I'd lost it. And now, I found it again and you get to delight in it. Thank you, Lynn! I'm glad you got over the feeling that this was not worth sharing!

My Superpower

by Lynn Meincke-Wohlers

Namaste. This is a Sanskrit phrase that Rick and I learned while taking yoga classes. It means the divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

Back when Covid restrictions were beginning to loosen up I headed to the grocery store. I was a bit giddy at being able to be out and about without my mask. As I passed someone with a big smile on my face, they smiled back. This happened again as I entered the store. I then wished someone a nice day and they smiled back! Oh, I get it. Having to wear a mask had deprived people of my smile. Now I greeted all with a goal of raising the mood of everyone at Hy Vee. It was a heady experience that led me to think, "This is my super power! I shall use it wisely." From then on I have made it a point to smile or wave at people I pass. Most of the time, I am reciprocated with a smile or wave.

For a time, I basked in my super power, but one day something reminded me that once when taking a walk while on vacation a woman I did not know said something vile to me. I proceeded with my walk, but even as I tried to tell myself that her anger was not about me, my mood remained heavy. It was then that an older African American gentleman came walking the opposite way as me. He gave me a big smile and wished me a wonderful day. I felt a glow and lightness as I smiled back. My first thought was, "That was God!" What a difference this made in my day.

You might think that I would want to shout to the world that I had met God, but somehow I couldn't make myself tell people that I had met God ala Morgan Freeman in *Bruce Almighty*.

It was after recalling this exchange that a new understanding began to dawn on me. I didn't meet GOD, but I did meet "God." As our paths crossed, the divine in that man recognized the divine in me. A new realization also came to me; my super power is really everyone's super power if they will act on it.

It is a wonderful super power to have. We can use it no matter how anyone looks, no matter the differences we may perceive between us, no matter who they may have voted for in the last election. All it means is that the God in me recognizes the God in you.
