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Zion hosted the June 3, 2024 Quad Cities Tenant Alliance Housing Justice Forum. The topic was a Rent Abatement Ordinance proposal. A Rent Abatement Ordinance would allow the inspections department to temporarily relieve tenants of the duty to pay rent when the condition of the building poses a threat to life and safety.

Zion Lutheran Church invests in the housing justice work of Quad Cities Interfaith’s Quad Cities Tenant Alliance (QCTA). Zion and the QCTA believe the people closest to the problem should have a voice in the solution—creating more safe, decent, and affordable housing in the Quad Cities.

Feel free to reach out to Zion’s QCTA leaders at

About Rent Abatement

A Zion QCTA leader interviewing the Iowa City chief housing inspector. Iowa City has had a rent abatement ordinance for seven years.A Zion QCTA leader interviewing the Iowa City chief housing inspector. Iowa City has had a rent abatement ordinance for seven years.

Housing Justice Forum video

This is a video recording of the June 3, 2024 QCTA Housing Justice Forum at Zion. The Rent Abatement Ordinance was the main topic.

Sermon: Sabbath & Rent Abatement