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From Sarah Watson, Quad-City Times

"The QC Interfaith organization asked people in the audience to advocate for involvement from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development, including auditing local municipal compliance with standards for building inspections, investigating municipal processes and training for inspections, and providing the community with an additional $10 million over the next 10 years for creation of new safe and affordable housing.

"The people who sat in every available pew in Zion Lutheran Church struck up chants throughout the meeting. They demanded fair housing, enforcement of city inspections, and for landlords to be held responsible for neglecting properties or exposing tenants to danger."

Read the whole article

From Kyle Bales, KWQC

“The town hall was hosted at the Zion Lutheran Church. Pastor Clark Olson-Smith says it is important to give the community a place to speak, especially when in need.

“People need to have a voice,” said Olson-Smith, “and the ability to make change in their own communities and neighborhoods. They are the leaders of a movement in this community that will help not just themselves but everyone in the Quad Cities who’s a renter.”

Watch the whole story

Email HUD

Click here to email the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and ask them to enforce proper inspections and invest dollars to create safe, decent, and affordable rental housing.

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